Conveniently located to serve Los Angeles and Beverly Hills.

Facial Implants (Cheek and Chin)

Beverly Hills’ Premier Chin and Cheek Implant Procedures

Enjoy greater facial symmetry and boost your self-confidence with a cheek or chin implant.

Chin augmentation involves the skillful insertion of an implant which can be customized to match your facial contours. Our surgeon expertly creates a discreet incision either beneath the chin’s natural crease or inside the mouth where the gum and lower lip meet. Through this incision, the implant is carefully placed, offering a natural look and feel. When the incision is made inside the mouth, there is no visible scarring, while an incision under the chin typically results in an imperceptible scar. For cheek implants, the incision is made inside the mouth, and the implant is secured over the cheekbone.

Cheek & Chin Implant Recovery

The recovery period for a cheek or chin implant is brief. Your surgical team will apply a dressing, which remains in place for two to three days. Some tenderness and discomfort are normal, but prescribed medications help manage any post-operative pain. Chewing may be limited for a few days, and a soft-food diet may be recommended. You may experience a stretched or tight sensation which gradually fades within a week. Most visible swelling should subside after approximately two weeks, allowing you to fully enjoy the remarkable results of your procedure. While strenuous activities should be avoided during the initial recovery phase, normal daily routines can typically resume around ten days.

If you’re seeking facial improvement through chin surgery, Dr. Alfred Cohen’s Beverly Hills practice also offers submental liposuction, a procedure that removes excess fatty tissue to redefine the chin and neckline. During your consultation, Dr. Cohen will evaluate the elasticity of your skin to determine the most suitable procedure for your needs.

Am I a candidate for a cheek or chin implant?

During your consultation Dr. Cohen will conduct a thorough evaluation of your chin and jaw, identifying any areas of concern. During your consultation, Dr. Cohen will evaluate the elasticity of your skin to determine the most suitable procedure for your needs. Your surgeon will discuss other factors that influence the results of your surgery such as age and skin type. If you make the decision to proceed with surgery, your surgeon will describe the technique indicated, the type of anesthesia to be used, the surgical facility, and any additional surgery that would enhance your results, as well as risks and costs.

Contact us today

Take the first step towards achieving facial harmony and renewed self-confidence. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Alfred Cohen today in his Beverly Hills office. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through the entire process.

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Alfred Cohen, M.D. F.A.C.S

Meet The Doctor

Dr. Alfred Cohen holds board certifications from both the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology (head and neck). With over three decades of experience in facial plastic surgery, Dr. Cohen provides his patients with the highest level of surgical expertise. He offers the finest care, the safest surgical techniques, and the most advanced knowledge in the field.


