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Fat Transfer

Fat Transfer Procedure in Beverly Hills

A fat transfer, or fat transplantation, is a surgical procedure which can be done with other surgeries or in our Beverly Hills office. Fat is removed from one area of the body (usually the hip or abdomen) and transplanted to an area on the face.

The procedure is most often performed using local anesthesia. A small area of fat roughly the size of your palm is anesthetized. Using a cannula, a small amount of fat is removed into several syringes and prepared for transplant. Most patients experience nothing more than mild discomfort during this procedure lasting only a few minutes.

Fat Transfer Recovery

It’s common for some swelling in the injection site which may last three days or longer. Fat transfer to the lips tend to swell the most. There may be some mild discomfort in the area of fat removal which is easily relieved with prescribed medication. You should refrain from strenuous activities for at least one week after fat transfer. Talking and chewing may be limited for one week post procedure.

Am I a candidate for fat transfer?

Smile lines, lips, corners of the mouth, frown lines and lower lid troph are areas most treated using fat transfer. Since the fat is transplanted deep beneath the skin, it’s not recommended for fine lines and wrinkles. Only deeper wrinkles on the face should be treated. It can also be used as a means of “cheek augmentation” and to plump areas of the face that have lost fat.

Patients may realize the benefits of fat transplantation for six months or longer. Touch-up procedures may be needed to maintain optimal results.

Contact us today

Take the first step towards achieving facial harmony and renewed self-confidence. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Alfred Cohen today in his Beverly Hills office. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through the entire process.

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Alfred Cohen, M.D. F.A.C.S

Meet The Doctor

Dr. Alfred Cohen holds board certifications from both the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology (head and neck). With over three decades of experience in facial plastic surgery, Dr. Cohen provides his patients with the highest level of surgical expertise. He offers the finest care, the safest surgical techniques, and the most advanced knowledge in the field.


