Conveniently located to serve Los Angeles and Beverly Hills.

Aesthetic Ear Surgery

Ear Surgery Procedures in Beverly Hills

Even minor ear distortions can result in a lifetime of self-consciousness. An Otoplasty is a surgery to change the shape, size, and/or position of the outer ears. Many adults are enhancing their appearance by pinning back, reshaping, reducing, or enhancing ear symmetry.

During your consultation in our Beverly Hills office, Dr. Cohen will examine the ear structure and discuss available options. Surgery on both ears is typically recommended to achieve a natural and balanced appearance. On average, otoplasty surgery takes approximately two hours to perform.

The surgery begins with an incision behind the ear, in the natural fold where the ear joins the head. Your surgeon removes cartilage and skin to achieve the desired outcome. In some cases, the cartilage is trimmed and shaped before being secured with permanent sutures. In other instances, no cartilage removal is necessary, and stitches are used to hold the cartilage permanently in place. After shaping the cartilage, sutures are applied to maintain the ear in the desired position until it heals.

Aesthetic Ear Surgery Recovery

Soft dressings are applied to the ears and should be kept in place for a few days. Patients may experience mild discomfort and pressure on the ears should be avoided. The use of headbands may be recommended for up to two weeks after surgery to hold the ears in the desired position. The risks associated with otoplasty are minimal. Following healing, a thin white scar may be visible in the natural crease behind the ear, but imperceptible to most. Any unusual developments should be promptly reported to the surgeon.

Am I a candidate for aesthetic ear surgery?

For a successful otoplasty, the ears must be proportionate to the face and head in terms of size and shape.

Contact us today

Take the first step towards achieving facial harmony and renewed self-confidence. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Alfred Cohen today in his Beverly Hills office. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through the entire process.

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Alfred Cohen, M.D. F.A.C.S

Meet The Doctor

Dr. Alfred Cohen holds board certifications from both the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology (head and neck). With over three decades of experience in facial plastic surgery, Dr. Cohen provides his patients with the highest level of surgical expertise. He offers the finest care, the safest surgical techniques, and the most advanced knowledge in the field.


