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FAQs: Endoscopic Brow Lift in Beverly Hills

Welcome to the plastic surgery practice of Alfred Cohen, M.D., located in Beverly Hills, in the following guide, we’ll delve into facial rejuvenation with an endoscopic brow lift also referred to as an endoscopic forehead lift. Whether you are considering this minimally invasive surgical technique or simply curious about what it entails, you have come to the right place. By addressing the most frequently asked questions we will explore the ins and outs of this technically advanced procedure.

What Is an Endoscopic Brow Lift?

An endoscopic brow lift is a minimally invasive surgical procedure designed to elevate and rejuvenate the eyebrows and forehead. It involves the use of an endoscope, a small camera, and specialized instruments to make small incisions in the scalp, allowing the surgeon to lift and reposition the brow and forehead tissues.

How Do I Choose the Right Plastic Surgeon for a Brow Lift?

Look for a surgeon who specializes in cosmetic and reconstructive facial plastic surgery and is board-certified by reputable organizations such as the American Board of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (ABOHNS) and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ABFPRS). These certifications indicate that the surgeon has undergone rigorous training and evaluation, demonstrating their expertise in facial surgery and their commitment to upholding high standards of patient care.

Advantages of ABOHNS Certification: Surgeons certified by ABOHNS have completed specialized training in procedures related to the head and neck, making them well-versed in facial anatomy and surgical techniques. This expertise is particularly relevant for brow lifts, which involve the upper face.

Advantages of ABFPRS Certification: ABFPRS certification signifies that the surgeon has demonstrated excellence in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. They possess specific skills in enhancing facial aesthetics, ensuring that your brow lift results are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing.

Experience: Evaluate the surgeon’s experience and history with brow lifts specifically. Ask about the number of brow lift procedures they have performed and request to see before-and-after photos of previous patients. An experienced surgeon is more likely to deliver successful outcomes.

Why might someone consider an endoscopic brow lift?

Individuals often choose an endoscopic brow lift to address signs of aging such as sagging eyebrows, forehead wrinkles, and frown lines. This procedure can help create a more youthful and refreshed appearance by restoring a higher and more aesthetically pleasing brow position.

How Is an Endoscopic Brow Lift Different from a Traditional Brow Lift?

An endoscopic brow lift is minimally invasive, involving smaller incisions and the use of an endoscope to visualize and adjust the tissues. In contrast, a traditional brow lift typically requires longer incisions and a more extensive surgical approach.

What Is Recovery Like After an Endoscopic Brow Lift?

Recovery from an endoscopic brow lift is quicker and less painful than with a traditional brow lift. Patients can expect mild swelling and bruising, but these side effects typically subside within a week or two. Most people can return to work and normal activities within a week.

How Long Do the Results of an Endoscopic Brow Lift Last?

The results of an endoscopic brow lift can vary from person to person, but they typically last between 5 to 10 years. Factors such as age, genetics, and lifestyle can influence the duration of the results.

Are There Risks or Potential Complications Associated with an Endoscopic Brow Lift?

Like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications associated with an endoscopic brow lift. Although rare, these may include infection, scarring, asymmetry, or changes in sensation. It is essential to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon experienced in this procedure to minimize such risks.

Can an Endoscopic Brow Lift be Combined with Other Cosmetic Surgeries?

Yes, an endoscopic brow lift can be combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or a facelift for a more comprehensive transformation.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for an Endoscopic Brow Lift?

Suitable candidates for an endoscopic bow lift are typically individuals in good overall health who have concerns about brow and forehead sagging, wrinkles, or asymmetry. The best way to determine candidacy is through a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon.

Contact Us to Learn More

Thank you, for visiting our practice today, our plastic surgeon, Dr. Alfred Cohen, is board-certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ABFPRS) and the American Board of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (ABOHNS). Dr. Cohen is a member of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and a fellowship member of the American College of Surgeons.

We extend a warm invitation for you to meet with Dr. Cohen for a personalized consultation to discover Dr. Cohen’s approach to customizing your endoscopic brow lift for natural-looking results that awaken your appearance while remaining true to your unique facial expressions. Contact our office today to begin your exploration with us.